Meet Me At Our Willow Tree

We sat, hand in hand,
underneath that willow tree.
The moonlight basked us in it's shine,
casting away the silhouettes and shadows.

In the distance,
a street lamp flickered.
Much like the flame of desire
deep within our souls.

Our eyes met,
and with the silent promise of love,
he leaned in,
and brushed away a strand of hair with a whispering carress.

Then, our lips touched,
soft as a feather at first,
then with more feirceness and longing,
like a lion to a pride rock.

Our tongues met,
in a sensual dance,
his taste of coffee and listerine
still lingers on my tongue.

A wolf howls from the near forest,
and we broke away.
Not from the fright of the creature,
but to savour the scene that played around us.

We glanced up at the stars,
our bodies shoulder to shoulder,
the warmth that repeld off him,
caused goosebumps to travel along my body.

Now, I still come here,
to rack my memories of what had been,
and to imagine what could have been.
The wolves still sings their song, only I hear it as a cry.

I glance up at the same stars.
Nothing has changed up there.
Yet here my life has changed so drastically,
that my heart faded away, leaving a starving black hole.

Maybe if he had left an hour later,
or the driver wasn't drunk,
their cars wouldn't have met,
in a kill caustic crash.

His lips still linger on mine,
his presence never forgotten,
and every night I still whisper;
"Meet me at our willow tree. "
