Creepy Ass Stalker

Get out of my life.
I do not know you. And you do not know me.
Why create a virtual strife?
Just let me be!

You constantly stalk me
My changes and updates you know by memory
You know, that’s just plain creepy
No. I do not know who you are, actually!

You insult me for this. You insult me for that.
You make presumptions about my hard, cold facts.
You put on a “smart ass” “I know who you are” act
Guess what, all I say is correct and exact.

You must have no life
Sitting there and with a total stranger starting a virtual strife!
Using your keyboard as a menacing knife
But WTF, Get a LIFE!

I ignore you
Sincerely, you should try that too
You’re just trying to defile the true

Anyway, what do you mind?
Why words so fucked up and unkind?
Leave all your fucked up life behind
And try to actually have a life
And only concern yourself with real-life strife

[You sorry ass loser XD]

And im telling you through what I do best
A rhyme, each verse more explicit than the rest:
Piss off
Bug off
Fuck you
I don’t know you!

I don’t rally care who you are.
So you shouldn’t care about who I am.
Your life from mine so far.
SO, wtf, scram!

[hehe yeah I guess the perfect ode to a creepy stalker or a bitch/ass without a life who just tries to annoy the shit out of you. XD damn, I was truly inspired]