She's Not Fine.

She's broken, with only words by her side.
Thoughts and memories of what haves and what ifs,
of best friends and worst loves.
Every day consisting of headaches and that one special pill.
One that Mom hides and protects,
afraid she's gonna find it and take them all.
Days filled with sunshine, overwhelmed with sadness.
Nobody knows about it, cause she always hides it,
scared someone would always think differently, because she doesn't know why it happened.
And all she can look at is the pictures of that boy.
The one with the black hair and always happy attitude,
she has no idea what happened to him.
Rooms filled with music.
The same eighties metal,
and the same rock beats pumping through skin.
If I was her, that one girl.
I would help her, hold her,
just until she feels alright again.