The midnight wolf

And so howls the midnight wolf to the pale-lit sky calling down the moon to shine upon us. Bright and glowing ever lasting lights the world in a new way, duel worlds coinciding. Terrors unseen by night and ignored by day, And so howls the midnight wolf upon a beautiful world though dark to some eyes, to others it is a wonderland seen by few appreciated by less but always ever lasting no madder what we do no mater how man try’s to kill the unknown world, for he fears that which he does not know so instead of seeing the beauty he sees the nothing and fears the joyous howls. And so he stops the howls in bright sun light blood for the world to see the cruelties hidden, overlooked, cast off, ignored, and so dies the magic, the majestic-ness, the unknown and hidden; all for all to see but few do. But no mater how hard they try they cant kill it off not totally deep in our heart we still hear it. For we know a world with out the dark, the unknown, the majestic, a world with out the wolf or the dragon, is not a world worth living in. And so howls the midnight wolf to the cruel world and the bright moon, at least those of us who can still hear.