When I fall

When the world gets heavy on my shoulders,
The noise; defening and loud,
When I finaly lose everything,
When i fall.
Will you catch me?

I don't want a promise,
I just want you to help me,
Help me find my feet.
And I want a little push in the right direction.

When I can't think or see
Through the grey, soft fog,
Will you help me?
When I need a guide.

I will fall, soon.
Plumeting down, into dark.
I will be lost.
I trust you.

I don't need a promise,
I know you will be there,
With me.
In the dark.
I know your going to
Lead me out,
Give me hope and freedom.

So when I fall,
Catch me, help me along.
But even if you came a bit late,
I would still find hope in the little fact....
That you would still come.
To help.