The Love of the World

With a tear and a smile,
I'll make this worth while.

He was something to everyone,
Who held him close in their hearts.

I know without a doubt, from mine,
I'll never let him part.

He had the sweetest smile,
He had the softest voice.

It was like this guy was stuck somewhere,
Between a man and a boy.

He stole my heart with the very song,
"The Lost Children," shown to me by my friend.

I can't hear that song without crying now,
The tears will flow to no end.

I haven't known of him long, at all,
Yet still he brings me such joy.

He makes me, too, want to heal the world.
To rescue every girl and boy.

There were horrible things spread about this man,
To which, I am just learning.

Peoples' tongues are like fiery flames,
Their words are constantly burning.

They judge and find it funny,
To ridicule that man.

When I can't seem to comprehend why they would do this,
My friend says to leave it in God's hands.

For he will seek revenge, not us,
And we can't prove them wrong.

They've heard our lyrics a thousand times,
We're singing a continuous song.

She's right, I know, so try, I won't.
I'll let it rest for now.

I just hope poor Michael,
Can Rest in Peace, somehow.

So throw around your acid words,
You're going to pay someday.

For God loves Michael and so do we,
In time we'll all heal and be okay.

I'm worried for his babies,
How they must be feeling now.

And the media continues to shove cameras in their faces,
I just have to wonder, how?

How could they have the heart to torture them,
After everything they've suffered?

Spreading their faces around in the tabloids,
Because they get the cash for the cover.

It makes me sick when I think of this,
It makes me hurt inside.

Then I wonder how the Jackson's must feel,
How many tears they've cried.

I'll say a prayer for them tonight,
As I'll join them in their pain.

God, please take away their agony.
Please let the sun shine through all the rain.

Michael said to smile,
For what's the use in crying?

I've tried, but sometimes it's impossible,
When someone so amazing is dying.

Dying? You wonder.
That's what I said.

He may be gone,
But he's not completely dead.

His music still lives,
As lively as his spirit.

But people will fade out,
No longer want to hear it.

It kills me to think,
He'll keep dying this way.

No matter who gives up on him,
In my heart, he'll always stay.

I miss you, Michael.
I hope you know.

I'd love to continue talking about him,
But for now I have to go.

Just hold him in your hearts,
Those of you who love him.

Don't let those fire licking tongues get to you,
Please try and ignore them.

Take a moment and smile, now.
It may be hard, but I know you can, somehow.

This makes me wonder,
Did Michael smile when he was sad?

Regardless, let's smile for Michael.
I know he'd want that.

Some of you are blinking back tears,
Some of you are disgusted.

Either way, I did this for Michael.
I didn't do this for your comments.

But I'm going now,
And this time for real.

Just keep smiling for Michael.
Trust me, I know how you feel.