Your Last Gift

A night unlike any other
The huge room was dark
Light from the moon came
It gave a mystical feeling

I didn't know why
But at that moment of time
I felt that I could tell you everything
In the room that felt so small
As people buzzed around on every corner

It's just the two of us
The room seems unbelievably spacious
The wind was so cold

Serenity, I feel
Cold wind on my skin
Fright in my heart

I told you how I felt that night
You paused as you heard me say "I like You"

I said these words, knowing that you would never like me back
I am your seatmate, and your friend
I know who you love
Thought it hurts me so
I want to support your unrequited love

As the wind blew
You thought deeply
Over and over you asked me
If that was truly how I felt

It was painful
It was scary
Over and over again
I told you how I felt

If only you knew how hard it was to say those words
You cant believe how hard it was to say it over and over again
But for you, I mustered up the courage to do so

You left that room
I don't expect you to think twice about it
I know you would reject me

On the next day there was a fuss
People asked me about it
And told me that you had been pondering on that matter for a while now
I gave a gentle smile

At least I know I mean something to you

I know for you, that might have meant nothing
And you might be surprised to hear me say this, but

Thank you,
I'll gladly take this as my last gift . . .