
He used me
He abused me
He was my crush
And now...
All i want to do us crush him
He said he loves me
It was all a lie
He just wanted me to die
to kill myself?
or for him to kill me
he always told me to just go die
Suicide? is that what you want from me?
It's what you wanted the whole time.
you might just get that from me
because I am through with this so called life
All I ever did was love you
and this is how you treat me
you told me not to end my life
you said everything would be alright
if I just cleared my mind
and now... I cleared it.
You are completely out of my mind
And everything is not alright
If it was, then why do I still want to die
why do I feel so empty, alone
the thought of your name makes me groan
so there you have it. i will leave this so called world
I will leave everything i have behind
throw it all away
and what will you say then?
Would you just let me jump
Would you come save me
Or would you jump with me?
I will show you why they call it suicide!
because I will take you with me
hayy! what are friends for?
they are suppose to die for each other.
even if this time its not willing