Artificial, Superficial Drunk

Dirt clings to your mascara,
The bright lights block out last night's massacre,
Superficial never daring to penetrate,
Drunken hurling only thing you're willing to demonstrate

Perhaps if you take another aspirin it'll take away your heartache
It certainly worked for your daily headache,
Lying on velvet but far from luxurious,
You're lying next to another one, this time he's hideous,

Completely smothered from first to last photograph,
I hope it reads fake somewhere on your epitaph,
Blusher, foundation, mascara, lipstick,
Don't want the mirror to crack because you look so sick,

Beyond the tan, your perception has been altered,
Not seeing through the smiles that clearly look revolted,
Love, to you is a mere infatuation,
Still you cannot see your life lying in devastation,

Help from those sounding so sincere,
But they can't stop it falling on deaf ears,
Your illnesses psychosomatic,
In your mind all you can do is panic

Living a counterfeit life inside rife with self spite,
At last you cannot bear to see yourself so you stay within eternal night,
Your heart is a barren desolate place,
You've taken your love but sprayed it with mace,

So young still smiling though you've lost your purity
But in each smile is a hidden insecurity,
You don't know who you are so many years a drunken haze,
Fighting a battle but coming second place,

Ciggarette in one hand vodka in the other,
Everyone around you is starting to mutter,
Slowly it evolves into laughter,
You see you life in a new light: