Stereotypes; We're All the Same

One boy:
All dressed in back
Had his make-up on
Was ready for school

Black hair
Covering one eye
Converse shoes
And gauged ears

The same thing happens
Called names
Because he was different

One girl:
Pink was her fav. Color
Wore short skirts
And high heels

Had tanned skin
Blonde hair
And blue eyes
With low cut shirts

They say
She’s a slut
Too easy
For her own good

He was a jock
Played every sport he could
Wore his jacket
Everywhere he went

Worked real hard
To earn some money
Needed a tutor
To keep his grades up

They all
Say he’s stupid
Slept around
Been with all the cheerleaders

She was a nerd
As smart as can be
Loved school
But had poor eyesight

Clothes so out of date
Geeky she looked
No one knew
What she wanted secretly

They made fun of her
She wanted to be one of them
But she didn’t fit in
Anywhere at school

There he was
The band geek
You know
Marching along

The uniforms are dorky
He doesn’t care
His love for music
Is larger than life

They make fun
Pick on him
Saying he doesn’t
He won’t fit in

Every play
She was in
No matter what kind
She loved it all

Theatre is her life
Acting as someone else
She found
Nothing wrong with it

People picked
Said she was a dork
Drama club loser
That’s what she was

The basement
Is where he was
Painting and drawing
All day long

Art was his thing
It never judged
Anyone could do it
But he was good

Friends would joke
Call him an art slut
But others said
He would amount to nothing

She dressed in black
From head to toe
Dark make-up she wore
Chains and spikes

She loved the night
Full moons
Even blood
And magic too

She was called a freak
Gothic as well
Just because
She wasn’t the same

No one seems to understand
It doesn’t matter how you dress
We all are made of the same thing
We laugh and feel and breath

Each person picked on
Another close to death
Remember suicide next time
I’m sure that kid will too

The meaner you are
The worse it gets
So I’m telling you to stop
Stereotypes? Life’s too short