What used to be

Every time i hear your name
it shakes me to the core
shivers run up and down my spin
shaking me out of my 'alright' bubble
reminding me everyday
what used to be..
The memory's twists my insides
like a salty twisted Pretzel
expect pretzels are good
the twisting i feel hurts
Feels like a hammer slamming down
on my ankle shattering it into pieces
thats what my heart feels like
What used to be...
Sometimes i got to take a minute before i can
Go on with my life and tell myself
how meaningless you are.
Now Today..
A tight rope slowly crawls around my heart
looping its self around and around
before squeezing the very warmth out
Killing any compassion i had for you at one time
It feels like the top of my head is sliced open
with a razor allowing the butterfly's of memory's to
fly free
What used to be
forever gone
just like yesterday.