Anger management

I am a volcano.
I am brewing with emotion, waiting to explode.
I wonder if my eruptions are predictable enough.
I hear footsteps running away in terror.
I see people hurt by my explosions.
I want to keep my feelings to myself, but I snap under pressure.
I am a volcano.

I pretend to explode when I want someone to leave me alone.
I feel guilty when I hurt someone badly.
I touch my shattered remains and try to piece myself together again.
I worry that someday I will send someone to the hospital.
I cry of frustration when I feel pressured.
I am a volcano.

I understand that I hurt people sometimes.
I say that I shouldn’t give up when one thing goes wrong.
I dream that someday I’ll stop exploding and hurting others.
I try to restrain my irritation.
I hope that someday I’ll stop getting mad long enough to enjoy life.
I am a volcano.