thank you.

my expression for you is surreal,
your laughs your tears.
you happyness and fear,

not ever seen again,
by me.
in which i saw,
my life.

engraved in your eyes,
just how you looked at me.
by you and,
only you .

pardon me for not rhyming,
its hard to find the words to,
express my feelings for

i was dumb to
take it for granted,
the last moments,
with you.

but its to late,
your gone from my arms,
your hugs and holds,
left me for good.

i can never be
who i used to be,
who i was,
but only
what i am now.

somewhat molded
by your thick grasps.
i am what ive become,
by your strength and power.

all theres left to say,
hoping you hear;
cant wait to see you again someday
thank you.