He Seems To Make My Heart Break A Little Bit More.

The feeling I have for you is tucked deep into my heart..

The feeling you have for me is nowhere to be found..

Deep, sharp pain stabs me everywhere since you don't care.

Seeing you makes me shiver in pain, knowing that I have to stay away.

The memories that we have shared have scarred me on my face, my face goes blank and white as snow when I see you with her.

Feelings come back in a deep rush, and nothing stops it as it builds momentum, it hits me hard..

In pain, my tears roll down my face fast.

I try my best to hide them from you, I don't want to ruin things between us.

My bangs hide my red eyes as I act like everything is perfect.

My emotions never like to be seen. They like to hide in the black corners.
So everything will stay the same, as I grin, smile, and pretend that the feelings I have for you is non-existent.

The truth of how my heart flutters for you will never reach sunlight.