Now I Won't have To See You Cry

Life suddenly seems so quiet.
In the dead of night.
It seems I'm the only who can hear my screaming regrets.
I'm not even sure if I'll be alright.

I guess my screams suddenly can't be heard.
Have I pushed you all away?
I'm so unpredictable that nothing is for sure.
If I told you I loved you , would you have stayed?

I'm sorry I'm so needy
But I can't survive on my own.
I'm not trying to be greedy.
Would it have been better if I hadn't let my feelings shown?

Please don't leave me.
Please don't walk away
Can't you see
I'm begging you to stay.

I need you by my side
I'm so lost with out you
And when you walked away I started to die inside
And now I don't know what to do.

With out you I'm absolutely nothing
So how could you hang me out to dry?
I already broke our promise to stop cutting
Everyone has deserted me, I deserve to die

I'm desperate to hear your voice,
It's the only thing that keeps me sane.
I know I'll make the stupidest choice,
But I sick of living with this pain.

Please tell me you'll come save me
I need an escape from this hell
I pray for my soul to be freed
Will you catch me or find me after I fell.

Don't tell me I'll be alright!
I know that will only make you a liar if you're not here
I don't think I'll survive the night
As I bleed out another fear.

We promised forever.
But where are you now?
You said we'd always be together.
I guess I believed that lie some how.

I need you and I wish you were here
Do I mean anything to you?
I cry as I bleed out yet another fear.
What left is there to do?

I pushed everyone I loved away
And no one even cares
So no, things won't be okay
I'm done living in despair!

No, I was never good enough
I don't deserve to be given a life
I'm weak, I've never been tough.
Soon I dropped the knife

Then I locked the door
And pulled out the gun
As more tears fall to the floor
No more, I'm done!

I know you're upset with me
And I never wanted to make you hurt
I just loved you, but you're not happy
And I only belong six feet under dirt!

I'm sorry my love
But this is farewell
This is something I just can't rise above
I'll watch over you from hell.

I truly loved you with all my heart
But this is the only thing I can figure,
We were only being torn apart
So I pulled the trigger.

My body fell lifelessly to the floor
Just relieved I could finally die
Before you busted through the door
At least I won't have to watch you cry...