Our Season

As I departed from the bus station
With one less body in tow
I felt my fears of solitude set in
And begin to take their toll
I left you there so you could leave
I left and never looked back
I couldn't let you see me grieve
You would have called it an act

We could only whisper a good-bye
In the final seconds of our time
We still couldn't unburden our mouths
To let the heartbeats inside come out
What can I say at the end of everything?
Suddenly, words don't seem to say anything
I'm speechless

As I step into the room we once shared
I am slapped by emptiness
Some days I still hope to see you there
Won't you heal this uneasiness?
You left me all alone to grow
Yet I've never felt so small
If it hurt you it never showed
I remember you so tall

We could find no more words to utter
Both our heads were filled with clutter
In the final count-down of our days
Words seemed such pointless things to say
What can we say at the end of everything?
Suddenly, words don't seem to say anything
We're speechless

I stifled the tears as I put a pillow in your place
Anything next to me to fill that throbbing space
You left me to face my doubts and fears all alone
But I hid my tears so how could you have known?
I never let it show

Break me down, hear me out
I miss you beyond reason
No matter how long you're gone
Summer will always be our season