These Little Things

The silence and serenity in my head
The noise and chaotic streets

I wonder if any of them can even see me
So busy with everything
They don't even have time to see everything

Do they even realize how many GREAT things their missing in life
They pass through all of these blessings

When will they realize that they lost too many things
That their going way TOO fast
The most beautiful
Simple things in life

Gone . . .

As I sit on this bench
I watch everything pass by
My time seemed to be very slow

As I quietly watch the people
I learn more about them
Their joys
Their pains

The greatest thing about them,
Their smile
They can smile even if they're in pain
They struggle to move on

As I sit on this bench
I write this for all the people in the world
They have inspired me in more ways than one

I stand and leave this bench
I myself have decided to move on

but maybe,
I'll move slower than some
For I want to be able to thank God for these little blessings in life