
Who is He to control us,
Through that of a two-way mirror?
Why do we follow the word,
From an unaccredited tale?
Leaders converging for compatibility,
To the monarchy.
Masses following empty and vain promises,
For pathetic hope.
Deny reality and follow faith,
Cross the bridge shunning rationality,
Trust the ultimate form of ignorance,
Then die.
Integrate your suffering,
With the hypocrites of values.
See through the eyes of the “damned”,
And experience realism.
Sacrificing our children and common sense,
Just to worship Him.
Why do we leave the conjurer of past despair,
With our last breath?
Deny reality and follow faith,
Cross the bridge shunning rationality,
Trust the ultimate form of ignorance,
Then die.
Deny reality and follow faith,
Cross the bridge shunning rationality,
Trust the ultimate form of ignorance,
Then die.
Thou shall not question the Quest;
It’s the catalyst of war.
The prelude to disaster,
Has achieved the last apex.
The falsely optimistic,
In a world of discontent.
Where is She; my only love?
Life’s not worth suffering for.
Perhaps I can’t explain it,
The plague that the faithful carry.
Lying to our children,
And planning the Armageddon.
Abiding to the laws of a forged entity,
They need more guidance.
Because of their lack of trust in Man’s judgment,
They depend on You.
Deny reality and follow faith,
Cross the bridge shunning rationality,
Trust the ultimate form of ignorance,
Then die.
Deny reality and follow faith,
Cross the bridge shunning rationality,
Trust the ultimate form of ignorance,
Then die.
Follow the word,
In pitiful obedience,
Then die.