Weirdly Normal or Normally Weird

Yes, that's me
with the two braids in the front
and a ponytail in the back.

I am also the one that
keeps her mouth shut in class
but always gets the grade.

Is that eye shadow you're wearing?
No it's not, it's just bright
Halloween makeup.

I am also the one that
gets her work done and
finishes class with a good book.

No, these shoes did not
come this way. I bought them white and
drew on them with a fabric marker.

I am also the one that
is the second one on the left, front row
of the marching band's halftime show.

I don't wear that back brace anymore,
but my internet nickname and pen name
is still Orange Turtle Piggy.

I am also the quiet one in class, but
that loud group of people in the lunchroom
is probably me with my friends.

Yeah, I crochet. Do you see
this tote? I made it. In two
days. I knit too!

I am also that coughing, wheezing,
blur that shoots by you at the last moment
It's me in PE. Dieing.

You've heard right. I'm obsessed with
rodents. I'm getting two rats for my
16th birthday. I'm so excited!

As you can see, I'm rather normal
in a weird way. Or weirdly normal.
Whichever you prefer ;)