Now That Summer Has Neared It's End You'll Be Gone

I can tell,
We're living near the end of summer
The weather has turned hot,
Yet again,
For one last time
My mother has bought all
The nessecities for school
And my sibilings
Are ready to leave for college yet again
So I'll be stuck in this house,
Later this year,
As it snows the great blizzard
Of countless years alone
But I can tell
That at the end of summer
You won't want to stick around
You want to go to the tropics
You won't try to break it softly
You'll be blunt and crude
Will you still know the song
We used to sing
When we were young
And just wanted hang?
The simple one
That all of our favorite bands sang
It was when the lake would start to drift away
And we had no where left to swim
But the crowded pool on the open road
I can tell by the end of summer
You'll be out of sight
And you'll take all of our
Favorite things with you
Our handshake,
The sleepless nights,
Our arguments over which
Superhero would win
Every memory I had ever made
And as the weather turns crisp
And math becomes
Just another one of my troubles
You can be in the warm breeze
Somewhere in Mexico maybe
And I can be on the field
In my simple schoolyard
Wrapped in a big puffy coat
And a hat that makes my hair static
You'll be flirting with all of the
Tan girls
While I'll be walking the halls
Crowded around those friends of mine
We'll be laughing and smiling,
But you can trust
I'll only be thinking of you
And wonder what you're doing
Since you decided not to write Anymore
Maybe you're fucking a girl
Or maybe you're getting completely Trashed
Maybe if you ever come back to the Mid-west,
We could get stoned together
Or maybe you could leave me hanging
Lke you always do
And not come back until
I have grandchildren of my own
And no time for you
Because I've been happily married for
Forty years and my children now too,
Have grown old like their mother had
Maybe meeting someone along the Lines of you
But I'll never know what the future
Has decided to hold
Becuase summer is only nearing it's end,
But remember,
I'll hold each second out much too long
Because I know at the end of summer
You'll be gone having fun