Can't You See?

I cry out into the world.
I yell and scream.
I beg for someone to turn their head,
To look in my direction.

I have been discarded,
Like a lollie rapper.
I was thrown into the wind,
To be blown away, forever.

I remember how it was before,
I was close to some people,
We were like family.

Then I made a new friend,
But they two were taken away,
By the same people who started it all.
Now I still know you, but you don't know me.

You expect me to just sit here,
Sit here and listen while you talk about another life.
A life where I do not exist. Where you have all the riches and glory.
A life that, when you tell me about it its so painful I almost cry.

I've moved on. Without you.
Get the picture through your thick skull,
You are a person I don't want to know.
I am done with this...stupid life.
So call someone who might give a crap.

I was angry at...lots of people who think they know me.