
I'm here but you don't see me
I try to speak
But you wouldn't listen
All you could see was what was behind you
You never turned around to look at me

I tried to say sorry
But you just left
You didn't stay behind to watch me cry
I wanted you to see me

I know that you are hurting
And how I wish I could erase the pain
But I guess we weren't meant to be
So now it's goodbye

I still wonder what it would have been like
If we gave it another chance
We could have ended up happy
or ended up right where we are
But despite everything
we are happy now

Even though I want to be with you once again
Both of us have found our place in the world
We have finally found what we have been searching for
Sometimes people say that you shouldn't say good bye to the one you love
But in our case
it ended up to be a good thing

So the next time we meet
let's pretend to not know each other
It would be easier to
let the past be the past
and move on to a better tomorrow

So all I have left to say is