All she was, was a bloody mistake

She’s so lost, can’t find her way
Unsure of tomorrow, confused about today
She grew up thinking she was no good,
She was never the train that ‘thought she could’.

The fatherly figure, she needed so bad,
Would scream at her, and make her sad,
She was always doing something wrong
When all she wanted to do, was belong

If your own family doesn’t care about you,
How do you tell when one's love is true?
Can anyone sympathize, being alone?
Where the place you grew up, isn’t your home?

She’s broken inside, not a piece undisturbed,
A beautiful disaster, and misunderstood.
Pain has taken up every part,
All it’s agony came from her heart.

Suicide became such a frequent thought,
Cutting her wrists from the pain that won't stop.
She couldn’t control the urge to bleed
For her life unfolded, clouded, and sheathed

Love isn’t real, she knows its a myth
Her life is a witness, that it doesn’t exist.
no one will be able to make her believe
everyday it gets harder for her to breathe

No more smiles, she's sick of the show
oblivious to the pain, her family didn't know
It was another breath, she could not take,
Because all she was, was a bloody mistake.
