hidden imperfections.

he tells her she is most beautiful
when he holds her gently in the
forbidden moonlight, masked by

beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

the light shows hidden
imperfections only she knows.
darkness allows perfection to be
unhindered. daylight reveals battle
scars of a long war never won.
razors etch a story into her arms.
tales of love long lost and failure
often reached. dirty men with
dirtier lies and women with the
purest cruelty. paintings on her
legs reveal grotesque pictures of
self-loathing and wishful thinking
drowned with alcohol often
consumed. he tells her he loves her,
which only leads her to hurt more.

what is there to feel when one cannot feel love?

the daylight creeps in as the two
lay and she knows that reality will
soon set in.

perfection lost in the light.

her scars shine bright when light pours
in. no longer hidden, he sees a rainbow
of black; blue; scarlet. she shields herself
from his piercing vision.

no one to love under all this mess.

but i love you.

didn’t anyone ever tell you lies damn you to hell?