
I am truly sorry,
For pushing you away.
For only getting angry,
Cause I had nothing else to say.
For not trying to resolve it,
Or turn on any lights.
For keeping you in the dark,
And the loneliness of night.
For only bringing pain,
And for only causing hurt.
For never fully showing you,
What you're really worth.
For being so hard headed.
For being all closed up.
For not letting you friendship in,
And slamming myself shut.
For not giving you a chance,
The chance that you deserve.
I don't know if I hurt you,
I could never understand.
And I probably won't let myself,
Give you a second chance.
For what I did I'm sorry.
It was so unfair.
You only tried to help me.
You only tried to care.
You never tried to hurt me,
You only wanted to be there.
Life was so much easier,
When I knew you would be there.
Now I have no idea,
If you'll let me try again.
Let me show you who I am,
And that I can be the best of friend.
So for what its worth,
I'm sorry.
For everything I did,
And of course for saying,
Everything I said.
So once again I'm sorry,
Yeah I'm saying that a lot.
And you may think that I'm lying,
But I assure you I am not.
So I'll finish with I'm sorry,
Because that's what you deserve.
An apology of the greatest size,
From a friend who knows you're hurt.
So for what I did I'm sorry.
That's the last thing that I'll say.
Hoping you\ll forgive me,
And not throw it all away.