Why must i leave you now

Sitting on the edge
Not knowing what to do
Feeling like i lost in my mind

Wanting to tell
But knowing I can’t
Felling you all around me

Your soft brown eyes
They way they looked
When I stared into them

Dark brown hair
The way your lips left
As they moved against mine

Knowing it could be this way
Knowing I had to step away
Knowing our love would have to end

The night it all began
Cause being together
May have felt so right

But in the end I knew
I had to break apart
The love I feel

Will never part
But I must take a step away
To do what I must do

To do that I must leave
Never to feel you arms again
Never to feel your soft lips

Why can’t I forget your face
The way you smile
How you smell so good

How when you touch me
I forget about my worries
I just think of how I feel

I just react to your touch
Why couldn’t we stay that way
Why must I walk away

Event though I know
I’ll never feel this way again
But I know I must leave

Even though I am in love with you
I must go away and only dream of you
Since in the end i have to leave

I'll never forget you eyes
your hair, your smile
the way your lips felt

I promise my love
I'll never forget you
Cause your my one and only LOVE