Please help Me

Things aren't the way they were before,
I don't even recognize myself anymore'
The mirror lies,
You can see the pain and suffering deep in my eyes,
The hunger pain hurts
But starvation works.
Surviving on 500 calories a day
People tell me that my body is wasting away
I'm trying to be the thinnest one of all.
I don't want to die,
But my body feels SO DRY.
I feel so empty, and incomplete,
I don't know how I manage to stay on my feet.
Stupid calorie counter going off in my head,
And when I just don't want to deal with it, I go directly to bed.
Then I start to it worth it?
Is it really worth it, trying to be fit?
The suffering? the pain?
I feel like I have nothing to gain
I'm just tired of being constantly teased.
Somebody please help me.
I'm trying to escape,
And it feels like I'm constantly being raped.
I'm disgusting, I'm worthless
What did I ever do to deserve this?