Respecting unreal beauty

To be moved as a mannequin would be,
Restricted as you can plainly see,
Though eyes seem to hold something,
Perhaps it is not illogical to feel so much pity,
To see the fears hesitant though they may be,
In carved plastic dressed seemingly to impress,
Is it portrayed the same in makers' eyes or is it mere coincidence,
Merciful it is perhaps to use something else to display our many styles,
More practical to use this fake perception of beauty,
Doesn't it want to make you cry out,
And weep for the inanimate,
And do all they couldn't, fill for their abscence,
Even if they cannot feel,
Somehow I think it's fair to show some reverence

Perfect shape and flawless style,
Is inaccurate to reality,
Not the shape of femininity,
Assymetrical imperfections being unique,
No boundaries as to where it will follow,
Do the seemingly perfect catwalkers,
Wish to emmulate this unrealistic perfection?
It's been done but by few,
Superficial enough to place beauty as number one priority,
Instead of intellect, character or family,
Maybe not even children whom a mother should hold dear,
Vanity can consume us, take over I fear

Is this any better? I hope so :)