Old Pain

Whispers in the dark, secret conversations that nobody will ever know about. 

The glances that seem like nothing to everyone else, but to us they're the world. 

Smiles shared between two lovers, lost in the busy crowds walking by. 

That small touch of the hand, a split second sending electricity through us. 

How long until I see your dark eyes again? So full of love that I know only belongs to me. 

Closing my eyes, I think back to your smile. I don't think it will ever leave me. 

That last touch was so painful, like a knife in my heart as you walked away. 

I still feel it, the feeling in my chest as I realised you had to leave again. 

But then I think ahead to the good times we'll share, when we're never apart. 

The old pain of losing you will be gone forever, just an old memory fading away. 

Your arms around me, under the stars on a clear night.
Nothing could be better.