
Something inside me yearns Your touch.
I can’t seem to get my heart to follow.
I hate not being able to see You.
I hate not being able to feel You.

I look around and see many people happy in You.
The deadly sin of envy takes hole.
Wishing I could feel that too.

Love and Happiness in you.
I reach up to You.
Only to get my hand pulled back down.
I’m afraid to follow You.

Afraid to lose the comfort of my sins.
All I have to do is say I Need You.
From the bottom of this shallow heart.
Its harder than I thought.

I can’t get it out of my mouth.
I really want to be with you, God.
I really want to feel you, God.
I really want you to hold me when I am scared.

To feel your love through my veins instead of feeling hate on my arms.
I am afraid.
But I want to get unafraid.
I am taking baby steps.

When I should be taking strides.
Push me harder.
Pull me up, please!
Help me put a band-aid over these scars.

I just want to be with you.