Broken Glass Road

Gripping tightly on the rails
Trying to hold myself up
As I walk on shards of glass
Each of them digging into my soul.

Biting my lip
Trying to not feel the surging pain
And tasting the blood
But wanting so bad
To get through the Broken Glass Road.

The more steps I take
The more I don't feel
The farther I go
The more I can see.

My grip became tighter
My breathing became softer
My legs became more numb
As I got up and continued the obstacle.

I remember everything
Kneeling down on the Broken Mirror
Clamping my hands so tight
Feeling the blood trickle down my arm.

I started to smile
Forgiving but not Forgetting
The blood of my past left behind
Living in the present.

I see you at the
Smiling as you gave me your

Pulling me off of the Broken Glass Road
Kissing me on my lips
Telling me that I am Yours.

You look behind me
Making me look
At a once Broken Glass Road
Now a gold path healed by Your touch.