
This is just about thoughts,
Swirling in the colourful abyss of cognitive abilities,
Now I'm thinking about war,
And why so many people join the Military,

Perhaps this is as pointless and meaningless,
As how music can send one to tears another to sleep,
Maybe I'll stop with all my thoughtfulness,
And think about something that's really deep,

Have you seen how psychedelic the clouds are?
I've watched them for hours awestruck at their transformations,
Terriblw really, as sun turns to rain after the hour,
I feel quite relaxed though verging on disorientation,

I wonder what's the meaning of life?
Should we take the bull by the horns and just give it our best shot?
Or should we step tentatively around the edge of strife?
The bull's angry - fight it? Perhaps not,

"Hey stop daydreaming, pay attention!"
"Oh, sorry I was just thinking about er... aw.."
"Yes? What caused this rude interuption?
"Well I was thinking about war..."

This isn't my best poem my others are better (hint, hint)