You Ignore Me In My Independent Streak

Dan took an oathe
He says he won't listen to
A word I say,
The little white lies,
The blue collar nights
Filled with scraped knees
And perfectly plunked eye brows
Ginie has a problem,
And is ready to admit,
But I tune her out
With my independent streak;
I cut my own hair,
And don't let my mind jerk
Because they love me,
It's evident, though sadly true
They just can't stand to be around,
I'm not one to sing,
But at times my feet cooperate
With the rest of my
Sweet and small method acting,
Now sir,
Tell me the turth...
Or a lie would be just fine
Becuase I've decided from now on,
I'll let everything slip my mind
But for a moment, please,
Let's not curse,
So Ginie can ignore my calls
Because I ignored her
And Dan could just
Turn his cheek
As we shout,
But no screaming is allowed
Rules are rules
And you told me,
Word for word,
That I was supposed to be
A good girl
Whose golden hair
Is to stay the way
God intended
Well, Ginie,
Have you ever thought,
I hate being tagged as:
Dumb blonde,
Innocent church girl,
All those names
That seem to contradict themselves
The hurtful people
Such as you two
Who love to order me around
Because you know
I'll listen,
And soak in all of the
Statements of advisory
Of how to tell people
'To Go to hell'
And 'fuck thier mother'
You sad little prudes
Who love to hurt me
More than
Ginie loves to hurt herself
When Dan can't help, but smile