♥Pretty Little Dress♥

Here I am in this pretty little dress.
Are you gonna show or can I give it a rest?
I'm always waiting, never quite there,
While everyone else is out having fun. It's just not fair.
I'd heard you were a mess; leading gals on, then leavin' 'em flat.
I'm still hoping you're not that they say, cuz they described the qualities of a rat.
I may not wait for you while forever goes on,
But I'm here right now. Take me before I'm gone.
You're who I want and what i need.
I want us to be like those fairy-tales I used to read.
I'll be Cinderella and you'll be Prince Charming.
Or you can be Ron and I'll be Hermione ;)
And we'll live our lives with "happy ever afters"
because you stole my heart, and kept it captured.

*I know Charming and Hermione don't exactly rhyme,
but I had just finished the Deathly Hollows when I wrote this poem.