Prince Where-the-hell-are-you

He's different.

I feel intimidated ; vulnerable almost.

Like if we were both the same
but it just doesn't add up.

I'm trying to find way for this not to work out
but nothing really bothers me.

I'm stuck in a rut in my head.

I made a list --why I think I should give up,but
I always find a loop ole in my little schemes.

I won't tell him that I think of him in that way
unless he feels the same.

But i won't waste his time and mine
just so I can mourn .

I would hate for him to see me cry after rejection
so I rather he declare himself other than I make a fool
of myself.

I'm getting really tired of waiting for prince charming to get here already.
Sometimes I think he was eaten by a dragon on the way here.