Was So Beautiful

She's scared, terrified of the life she leads
No one cares to stare, or sees, no one sees
The scars that run up and down her arms
Revealing her lemoness charm
For all of the world to see, just to see
The way this petrified girl lives, eats, breathes
And no one cares, but maybe in the back of her mind
She wants no one to care, she wants no one to see her scars
Wants no one to see the anorexia penetrating her sullen eyes
Dare not let her depressive state be advertisied
For no one cares, no one gives a damn
No one cares if she lives or die, no one wants to hear her cry
But they don't like the slashes on her arms
They don't like the skeletal figure before them
But do they dare tell her how they feel?
No, because everything is just a mere secrect