I'm just a Prototype

I'm just a prototype

Am I normal?
How can that be?
Not telling.
Can I see?
Can I hear?
Of course.
Can I feel?
No doubt about it.
Can I love.
No I can't.

How can this be? I'm not normal you simple person.

How am I not normal? I'm just not.

I have mother, only a father.

I must have a mother, or else I wouldn't be here, right?


I'm not human.

I was made from peices of stars.

My soul was grown in the bathroom.

My lips are wild orchides.

I was inspired from a perfect person.

But I'm not the real thing.

I will never be the real thing.

I was given a wonderful eye color, a wonderful and unique green.

I was given the perfect person's attitude, I live it like a machine.

I won't smile unless I'm with them

And just like the perfect person, I can't help myself from crying.

Not the real thing.

I'm not the real thing.

I will never be the real thing.


Because I'm just a prototype.

Please come a rescue me.

Rescue me from the real world.

Save me, save me.


I want to be like you, I don't want to be a prototype...


All prototypes...

Will get thrown away...

