
You Sob,
You Fraud,
Get A Life,
Get A Job.

Get Your Own Work,
Get Your Own Verse,
Get Your Own Lyrics,
Get Your Own Poem.

Stop Stealing People's Passion,
Making it your own,
Your a fake and a nobody,
Your Just stealing what comes from their heart.

Make up some lame excuse,
Make up some sad story,
Make up some false tragedy,
Just So you feel hurt.

Make a song of hope,
a poem of sadness,
some lyrics of heartbreak,
some journal of forgiveness.

Don't steal ours,
its not like you wrote it,
let us write what feel,
and keep our own credit.

Sorry for the bad rhyming I just put this down because I'm tired of people stealing my poems and lyrics and them taking the credit -__-
I'm you be pissed too!