Leaving You.

Every time I see you it's harder to leave
To go or watch you go
To see our physical distance grow
- And know
I may not see you in weeks,
- Months.
Though I may seek
To cut this length in time
I have to wait
Before the sublime
Contours of your face,
And the wonder of your spirit
Is again
- With me.
And we are close enough for me
To hold your hand in mine as we
Do something,
Or nothing
- (Does it matter when I have you in my arms?)
But alas,
- Someone, or something
-- Anyone, anything
The combined force
Of anything affecting us on the whole this planet
Seeks to stop us,
- Often succeeds,
-- As though some cruel twist in fate
-- Marks us "Star-crossed"
- Found out too late
That Romeo
- And Juliet were lost
Before Destiny and Cupid
And all the other cruel and stupid
- Entities
Could extract
- That
-- Torturous fun the seek
- To recover through me
And the one I love.

Why must love and practicality always be in different places?
Mayhap Practicality, upon seeing Love's beauteous face, has
Shunned her from his sight
In jealousy or spite.
This hurtful wave, however caused
Is felt, not by them, but by everyone who fights the uphill fight.
- For love.