Hope For You

Your heart was tainted and scarred
You were scared to let anyone in
I foolishly believed that maybe I could be different to you

I'm sure from your view I was probably no better than them
Just another piece of scum on this planet

I'd come by all the time hoping you'd accept me
I don't know why I did though
Cause there is only so much rejection one can handle

My heart would clench in my chest
It would probably be best if I left you alone

But I guess I was selfish
I wanted to be by your side
The one who'd you confide in

Be the one you hide behind in times of troubles

But that's it....
It was my desire not yours

Sure I loved you
But you don't love me

I could never be who you needed

I accept my defeat and hope for the best for you
When you do find that person though...

Please know this: I may have not been the one for you, but I knew you were the one for me...