Worth Fighting For

When you’re chasing pills with wine
To hide from demons in your mind
God is an impossible thing to find
When everything I do, each word I utter
Drives you straight into the arms of another
My absence of faith makes my heart shudder
There is nothing worthy of belief
When your ecstasy turns to grief
And the food and sex bring no relief

Put down the glass and hear my plea
I need your heart and mind here with me
Instead your thoughts drown in a black sea
When I show the slightest sign of being annoyed
You spiral into your world, that gaping void
Suppressing emotions like a hollow android
Come back into my life, you’re already here
Can’t you make an effort for those you hold dear?
You’ve made it too far to give up this year

Please, please, please just keep trying
I’ve stayed here through the chaos and lying
I need a reason to believe that all is not lost
The false joy you’ve won is not worth the cost

Lay your head down and you shall hide no more
Anything real is worth fighting for