Lost it all!!!!

It's bin weeks & my eyes are still not yet dry
I walked away with nothing but my tears
Bcoz wen i walked, i left it all
My pride,my feelings,my ego but most of all my heart
I left with you standing
While you watched my back
You drifted out of my reach
And i glided out of your grip
You put it all on the line
Which i trod and fell off
I couldn't take it anymore
I'd standby you thick and thin
But i can't becoz my hearts between
I'm pulling back my heart
And all the strings connected to it
If you want to get thru this
I've got to be your friend first & foremost

Your heart is ripped
Mine is torn
You pulled back
I turned & walked
I couldn't stand & watch the one i luv fall
So i walked away & "lost it all"