tear drops

the tear drops of my lost hope
that some day you will have return home
but as the time pases by
you never come home
i flich as they ring the bell hoping begging that it is you
but as every single day it is nobody but the wind
my tear drops fall and my hope goes with it
one day i know you will come
but that someday never came thats when they came and said you were gone
you never survive that attack a clean shot through your head
that day i dead with you all our hope all our plans me
all were gone when you left me
as the tear drops fall endesly
and my heart widers and dies
my life ment nothing
in my despare i did many thing to forget to get rid of the pain but none work
one day the bell rang
and i open the door to find nothing but then i smelld your perfume and a cold chill that touch my lips i closed my eyes and i hear your voice telling me how much you love me
that day i died of a cold winter day frostbite
but i did not care beacause i left nothing important because you came for me as you carry me to the unknow to my happiness and thats all that matter to me you were here with me
and the last tear drops were for happyness and joy as they froze in the snow
the people that found the body found a singel white rose in the place of the tear drops
and as they stare they did not know why the flowere didnt die
and the flower stay their in the same spot were her tear drops had fallen and that singel rose showd the happyness of that women's storie
of how she got her hope back

awaaaaaaaaaaaa ive been reading to many shoujo manga XP