Your Angel

The one who was always by your side,
Through thick and thin.
The person you could always relate to.
When your lover wasn't there for you,
They were there.
Your best friend.
Because when you cried your eyes out because he didn't love you,
And when you smiled so much when they had a surprise party for you,
It was always up to them.
They always cared for you unconditionally,
Always tried to make everything better.
Even when you decided that you were drifting apart and didn't want to hang around them so much,
They made do with what time you had together.
You knew that life without them was the hardest to live.
Because they never could break your heart,
But they never could hold it either.
They were just there.
There for you when you cried,
There for you when you laughed,
and there for you when you were gone.
They were always faithful and loyal to you,
Even when you were wrong.
They knew you weren't perfect,
They knew who you really were,
Because you never felt the need to put on a false front for them.
They never held something over you,
Never criticized the way you were,
Because they knew you couldn't change who you were and they wanted the real you.
So you were together in the highs and lows,
Never once doubting who it was you honestly loved.
And when you were sitting together,
That one day when you felt yourself soaring away,
You asked if you could bring a friend.