Wishing you Allergies

Warning: I don't usually write love poems. Even when I was writing this it wasn't supposed to be romantic, it wa supposed to be funny. My parents got a hold of it and they started asing me who this mysterious guys was and if I finally had a boyfriend. Ha ha ha it was fun. Anyway please enjoy.

You asked me why it is we sneeze?
I told you it was me thinking of you
But I’m secretly wishing you allergies!
So you’d know my love was true.

You know that itchy red rash you get?
That doesn’t go easily away?
It’s because I draw hearts on your name
One bump for each heart drawn that day.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience
And I hope you’re not too blue
But maybe it’ll make you think of me
And I might get itchy too.

I’d sneeze until my throat was sore
5 in a row without a pause
I wouldn’t mind blowing out my door
Knowing that you were the cause.

Maybe we’d get together
And have a sneezing fit
But sadly I know it would never end
Because thinking of you? I can’t quit.