Hey Daddy

Hey Daddy

Hey daddy
Right now, you can't hear me
Because I'm still just white
But I wanna be your daughter
Nine months later I'll be here
I promise, and we'll have so much fun
I can't wait to spend lots of happy time with you

Hey daddy
I'm in mommy's womb now
I can hear her heart beat with mine
I can feel her breath
The food she eats is yummy
I'm going to like those foods a lot
I can't wait to taste food for myself

Hey daddy
Only one more month before I'm here
Then we can be so happy as a family
You can show me all kinds of things
And teach me everything I need to know
We're going to have a fabulous time
I can just tell

Hey daddy
I'm finally born
I can't see you yet
But I bet you're handsome
I want your genes dominant
We'll see in a few years
Take care of me daddy

Hey daddy
I was sick today
But you and mommy helped
Took me to the hospital
It scared you, I know
Me too, we all cried
But we're all okay now, just like we'll always be

Hey daddy
It was my first day of grade one
I met a bully and they hurt me
Hit me a few times but I told the teacher
They got in a lot of trouble
I'm glad you taught me to tell on them
You're so smart, daddy, I love you

Hey daddy
Grade one is almost done
I'm getting really good marks
You helped me a lot
And mommy too
The bully hasn't hurt me again
All thanks to you

Hey daddy
I'm in grade two
It's much harder than the first
But that's okay because you help
I'm so glad I have a strong man like you
To help me when I need it
Thank you daddy

Hey daddy
Grade two's finishing
My marks are still fine
I hope to make you proud
I hope to be real smart
I'll try it so hard for you
Because I love you

Hey daddy
I'm in grade three
Today I lost a tooth
I got punched in the mouth
That's how it fell out
I didn't fight them, though
Hitting is wrong, I know

Hey daddy
It's grade four
Things are getting harder
You still help me
But it doesn't seem as much as before
Daddy is something wrong?
I hope you're okay

Hey daddy
The end of grade four
Mommy has cancer
I don't know what that is
But it can't be all that bad
After all we still love each other
We can make it to the end

Hey daddy
I'm in fifth grade
The work is increasingly hard
But I'm still pulling through
And doing my best for you
You'll be so proud of me
Even if we don't talk as much

Hey daddy
The end of grade five came
My marks are a bit worse
But I learned how I was made
And I thank you for it
It grossed me out, but thank you
I didn't learn it from a lesson, though

Hey daddy
Grade six began
Mommy was put in the hospital
The cancer got worse
I know what it is better now
Let's be strong for her
Because we love her, daddy

Hey daddy
Grade six finally ended
My marks keep declining
But I keep feeling smarter
At least I'm smart
I know I am, even if they don't show it
I hope you believe me too, daddy

Hey daddy
Be proud, I'm in grade seven
You've stopped helping altogether
I hear you spend nights in tears
It breaks my heart, daddy
I cry with you
Even though you don't know

Hey daddy
I passed grade seven
You don't seem to care as much as before
But it's okay, because I will make you proud
Even if it doesn't seem like you are
I know really
Deep down you are

Hey daddy
I've almost graduated
I'm in grade eight
But each passing day
It seems like you care less and less
And your attention all stays on mommy
I love her but, I need love too

Hey daddy
You never came to my graduation
You had to be at the hospital all day
Mommy died, I heard
It's okay, I understand
Though I do have to say
It was the worst graduation ever

Hey daddy
I start high school today
It's going to be different
And more difficult
And each day you grow more distant
I guess I'm starting to learn
To fend for my own

Hey daddy
I'm almost in grade ten
Why did you hit me today
Am I not good enough
You hurt me so bad
Daddy, I love you
Do you need to hit me

Hey daddy
I met the man from grade five again
I killed him
But nobody else knows
He made me so angry
I couldn't control it
Your hitting made me angry, too

Hey daddy
I'm a junior now
I was offered drugs for the first time
I took them
Your hitting is becoming too much
I needed a way out
Please don't hate me, I love you

Hey daddy
It's time to go into senior year
I can't believe I made it
I've become addicted to drugs
It's like the only thing I have
To escape your wrath
I still love you

Hey daddy
I don't know if I'll graduate
I had sex with three different boys today
All in school during class
We did drugs each time, too
I'm skipping class
You're not proud of me anymore

Hey daddy
I failed
You didn't take it well
You almost put me to the point of death
I gave up trying
I thought we would be happy forever
But there's no reason when you treat me like shit

Hey daddy
I moved into my friend's house
She's a girl and we fuck every day
I don't care what you think of me
I hope to never see you again
I don't love you anymore
I do things for me now

Hey daddy
It's six years later
I'm 24 and a prostitute
Yet I can't make enough
To own a house
I live on the streets
But I'll never go back to you

Hey daddy
We didn't know each other
So you picked me up
To get a cheap lay
After that, I just about killed you
You knew it was me
Yet you fucked me anyway

Hey daddy
I wish mommy never died
They found out I killed that man
I'm sitting here in prison for life
The only good thing
I never see you again
Hey daddy
I don't miss you
Hey daddy
I hope you die
Hey daddy
I hate you.