Black and Purple Bruises.

He smiles at you.
And you just might have broke a little inside.

You get to that little blue house on the end of the street you call home.
The yells seem to greet you even before you walk up to the porch.
And those angry brown eyes stare at you, hopelessness and shame fixed on your pretty blues.

He doesn't know how to deal with those little marks on your arms.
Those black and purple circles bringing his mood down.
Everyone keeps talking about it.
You just wish they would all shut up for just a minute.

You say you got into a fight on your street.
Only telling a few about the one in your so called 'home'.

You tell the lady dressed in pink that it was a misunderstanding.
"No, it would never be my mother.
I have a temper I can't control with this person living a few houses down from me."
She says you're charming and walks away.
You wonder who could ever tell her.

She finds out about him a few days later.
Sees the complexion of his skin and slaps you.
Says to never go out with 'that kind' again.
And you end up breaking both hearts in just one night.

He still looks at you.
Little glances of wander and curiosity.
You never found out what he even liked about you.
Guess those eyes hold a little bit more then a pretty color.

You wear jackets that cover everything.
Don't change in gym, even when going out in 9o degree weather.
You're scared of what everyone would do if they really saw your true skin.
You hold yourself a little bit tighter.

Your friends shed tears when you show them.
That little hole in your heart just got somewhat bigger.

Bright early suns and that shining moon.
You wonder if that's where you go instead of that place in the clouds when your heart stops beating.
You think it's about time you found out.

He comes every year to your gray stone in that deathbed.
Water droplets falling from those eyes you fell in love with.
Whenever those days happen, he talks about the little things he liked about you.
And all the things He could help to stop the bruises from happening.
You know that if you still had a heart beating,
that it would kill you from those little whispers.

You hope whatever He saw in you, it was majorly the love for Him