
You don't know
You can't know
When matters of heart become matters of mind
When I am torn from loss

Come, you're all I want
But stay, for that is surely your desire
For I, the waning moon, must yield to the day
And you, the flower below
You need sunlight, not moonlight
Warmth, not cold
How can I hope to heat your heart when my hearth is empty?

Please, assist
Cure my madness
Tell me what your heart whispers at night
Or the rotors that turn my mind will veer out of control
I shall tumble, fall, then become buried beneath the weight of my thoughts
Insanity, really, is no laughing matter

If it happened, then you would learn the depths
You'd be pulled into the deep water, drowning and dying
And your final words would be hateful as you realize the truth
This brand of insanity is not to your liking

Yet I want you to know
For I imagine the spectacular things to occur
If only my thoughts mirrored yours
But for now, until the day I risk everything
You simply don't know
You can't know
♠ ♠ ♠
A poem resonating today as a theme for my love for the girl I like.