Where Are You?

Where are you? I need you.
I want you with me. I want you to take me out of the darkness that surrounds me, and the sadness that lingers here. There's nothing here. I am well aware I am not in despair, though it feels like it is and it not getting any better.
All of a sudden, I feel this sadness and it's for no reason. Please, do something. I can't live like this.
You're out there somewhere? I don't know your name.
Where are you? Right in front of me? I'm starting to think so, but you found out I existed a few days ago. So we barely know each other; we don't talk much. I wish we did.
I've watched you live your own life. You seem so happy, minding your own business. I want to feel that. I want to be happy. I want to live my life like a person should and I'm not. Please save me……..