Nonexistent Smile

I'm walking the lines
of life and death
coming in and out
of existence.

disconnecting myself from everyone

eyes closed when I'm with you
wide open when I'm remembering you.
these invisible tears
always leaving blood tracks
spelling out your name.

my Chelsea smile
sliced ear to ear
bloody stitches forever placed

your vanity
is etched into your skin
holding yourself higher
then the stars
i see in your eyes.

i love you,
to the one who doesn't know love.

I love you,
to the one that can never get enough.

hold my hand while I fall
pretend to love me back.
take what you want.
give me your smile in return.

go off to her,
I'll wait here for you until it ends
so you can use me once again.

I'm walking the line
between life and dead
disappearing from your view.

would you look for me long enough,
to say you miss me?